Psalms and Psalm |
Psalms and Psalm.org
This website
contains the complete content of the Book of Psalms
with the numbers and text of individual verses which have
been taken from the
King James Bible Online. Free, online access to study a short summary and the words contained in the
verses of the Book of Psalms for Bible Study or Sunday School
lessons. Click one of the above links to access the
Psalm of your choice.
Popular and Famous Psalms
The most famous
Psalms are:
The Poetry of Psalms
The words of many of the
Psalms of David have been written in metre and put to music
to be sung as hymns. Click the
following links to read these beautiful words in the Poetry
of Psalms.
Poetry of Psalms
Poetry of Psalms
Poetry of Psalms
Individual Psalms Summaries
We have provided details of
Psalms Summaries which we hope will be a helpful aid to
Bible studies.
The Psalms Summaries will be of special interest to people who are
taking an on line Bible Study course or undertaking general Biblical
studies or Bible study at home.
Summary of the Book of Psalms
This short overview
provides a summary of the main subjects and ancient topics in the
book of Psalms
- Summary of the
- The first book
comprises the first 41 Psalms
- These are ascribed
to David except 1, 2, 10, and 33, which, though anonymous,
may also be ascribed to him.
- The Second Book of
Psalms consists of Psalm 42 - 72
- Psalms (42-72), 18
of which are ascribed to David and 1 to Solomon (the 72nd).
The rest are anonymous
- The third Book of
Psalms contains 17 Psalm (73-89)
- The 86th Psalm is
ascribed to David, the 88th to Heman the Ezrahite, and the
89th to Ethan the Ezrahite
- The fourth Book of
Psalms also contains 17 Psalm (90-106)
- The 90th is
ascribed to Moses, and the 101st and 103rd to David
- The fifth Book of
Psalms contains the remaining 44 Psalms
- Of these, 15 are
ascribed to David, and the 127th to Solomon
Use this short summary information for an on line Bible study course or biblical studies. This overview, or summary, is also very useful for Sunday School lessons and Bible Study at home.
about Psalms and Psalm
following information provides facts about the Book of Psalms:
- Fact 1 - It is book
number 19 in the Old Testament of the Bible
- Fact 2 - It contains 150
- Fact 3 - It contains 2,461 Verses
- Fact 4 - IT contains approx 42,704 words
- Fact 5 - The Psalms are
called by the Hebrews Tehillim meaning Hymns of Praise
- Fact 6 - The word 'psalms'
is derived from the Greek word 'psalmoi meaning "songs sung
to a harp"
- Fact 7 - The author of the
Book of Psalms, of a great part of them at least, was King
David but many are of opinion that some of them were made by
Asaph and a variety of other authors
Fact 8 - Isaac
Watts (17 July 1674 – 25 November 1748) is famous for
writing hymns and Carols including
Joy to
the World
which is a popular Christmas carol which is based on
Psalm 98 in the Bible.
Psalm 109:8 and President Obama
A Psalm which has received publicity in 2009 is
Psalm 109:8 which says,
'Let his days be few; and let another take his office.' The Psalm is
being passed around the Internet as a rallying cry against President
Funeral Psalms
The Psalms selected for funerals or memorial services have words of comfort which are frequently chosen for
church funeral services.
Making funeral arrangements and
planning a funeral service or memorial is a very difficult process
involving great emotional stress. Deciding on
Funeral Prayers or funeral psalms is an important part of the
planning. We hope that the selection of Funeral Psalms will provide
you and all mourners with some comfort at such a distressing time.
and Psalm - Bible Study
following Psalms prompts the most interest
from readers of Online Bibles and possibly of interest to people who are taking an on line Bible Study course or undertaking general Biblical studies or Bible study at home:
The above links provide instant
access to the verses of particular interest from the Psalms.
We hope that these references prove helpful to readers of the Bible
and those who are taking an online Bible Study course or
undertaking Bible study at home.
The Book
of Psalms
We hope that you find
the complete content of the Psalms helpful to your
Bible studies and for references which allow you to read the books and
individual verses of the Psalms. The
content of Psalms and Pslam.org
free, online access to study passages, for Biblical studies, contained in the words, text and verses of the scripture.
Personal Bibles for Biblical Studies
Online Bibles are an excellent study resource, especially for finding the words to a particular Psalm, but everyone appreciates their own Personal Bibles for Biblical Studies. There are numerous Bibles for sale and if you are looking to buy Bibles as gifts, or for taking Bible study courses, there are many to choose from including
Childrens Bibles, King James Version Bibles, NIV Bibles, KJV Bibles, NKJV Bibles and new King
James Bibles. There are even large print Bibles and Family Bibles
including some beautiful Children's Bibles providing access to the Psalm of your choice.
Psalms and Psalm