The Poetry of Psalm 90

The Poetry of Psalm 90
This page contains the Poetry of Psalm 90. Read the Poetry of Psalm
90 taken from "The Scottish Psalter of 1650" based on the work of Francis Rous. An unusual addition for Bible Study, Sunday School lessons and Biblical studies.

Poetry of Psalms

Poetry of Psalm 90

Psalm 90.

1 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place
in generations all.
2 Before thou ever hadst brought forth
the mountains great or small;

Ere ever thou hadst formed the earth,
and all the world abroad;
Ev'n thou from everlasting art
to everlasting God.

3 Thou dost unto destruction
man that is mortal turn;
And unto them thou say'st, Again,
ye sons of men, return.

4 Because a thousand years appear
no more before thy sight
Than yesterday, when it is past,
or than a watch by night.

5 As with an overflowing flood
thou carry'st them away:
They like a sleep are, like the grass
that grows at morn are they.

6 At morn it flourishes and grows,
cut down at ev'n doth fade.
7 For by thine anger we're consumed,
thy wrath makes us afraid.

8 Our sins thou and iniquities
dost in thy presence place,
And sett'st our secret faults before
the brightness of thy face.

9 For in thine anger all our days
do pass on to an end;
And as a tale that hath been told,
so we our years do spend.

10 Threescore and ten years do sum up
our days and years, we see;
Or, if, by reason of more strength,
in some fourscore they be:

Yet doth the strength of such old men
but grief and labor prove;
For it is soon cut off, and we
fly hence, and soon remove.

11 Who knows the power of thy wrath?
according to thy fear
12 So is thy wrath: Lord, teach thou us
our end in mind to bear;

And so to count our days, that we
our hearts may still apply
To learn thy wisdom and thy truth,
that we may live thereby.

13 Turn yet again to us, O Lord,
how long thus shall it be?
Let it repent thee now for those
that servants are to thee.

14 O with thy tender mercies, Lord,
us early satisfy;
So we rejoice shall all our days,
and still be glad in thee.

15 According as the days have been,
wherein we grief have had,
And years wherein we ill have seen,
so do thou make us glad.

16 O let thy work and pow'r appear
thy servants' face before;
And show unto their children dear
thy glory evermore:

17 And let the beauty of the Lord
our God be us upon:
Our handy-works establish thou,
establish them each one.


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The Scottish Psalter of 1650 and Psalm 90
We hope that you find the content of Psalm 90 and the words taken from "The Scottish Psalter of 1650", based on the work of Francis Rous, helpful to your Bible studies. 140 offers free access to study the words contained in this Psalm in the Bible. The Summary, or overview, of the Psalm is as follows:

Summary of this Psalm

A prayer against sinful words, and deceitful flatterers.

Favorite Psalm
Isaac Watts is famous for writing hymns and Carols including 'Joy to the World' which is a popular Christmas carol which is based on Psalm 98 in the Bible, a favorite and popular Psalm. The following links provide access to psalms we have selected in the favorite and most popular Psalm category:

Psalm 23
Psalm 91
Psalm 27
Psalm 51

Personal Bibles for Biblical Studies
Online Bibles are an excellent study resource, especially for finding the words to a particular Psalm, but everyone appreciates their own Personal Bibles for Biblical Studies. There are numerous Bibles for sale and if you are looking to buy Bibles as gifts, or for taking Bible study courses, there are many to choose from including Childrens Bibles, King James Version Bibles, NIV Bibles, KJV Bibles, NKJV Bibles and new King James Bibles. There are even large print Bibles and Family Bibles including some beautiful Children's Bibles providing access to the Psalm of your choice. The summary of this Psalm is as follows:

A prayer against sinful words, and deceitful flatterers.

Poetry of Psalm 90

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Poetry of Psalm 90

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The Poetry of Psalm 90

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